Wipes and Paper Towels

Wipes and Paper Towels

A reminder that chemicals are not allowed in the City of Austin curbside compost carts. “If it grows, it goes” into compost carts. Think food-grade. If not, it belongs in the trash. If you are cleaning with paper towels and vinegar, alcohol, baking soda, etc. then those paper towels may go in the compost carts.…

Can Lids

Can Lids

Small but super helpful, can lids like those pictured here are great at helping preserve the freshness of your canned items sealed in the refrigerator. These here are from Tomlinson’s Feed. They are $1.00 each. You’ll see that there are multiple ridges on the lid, this is so it can fit several types of cans…

The Down-low on To-Go

The Down-low on To-Go

As more people resort to having meals carry-out/to-go/takeaway and delivered, please take time to consider your options for end-of-life. Are the containers recyclable or compostable? Are they reusable or returnable? Will you be able to re-home freezer bags or ice packs? Mueller area restaurants seem to be on the right page with take-out containers. I…

Metal Trays and Aluminum

Metal Trays and Aluminum

In case you didn’t know, aluminum and metal trays are allowed in the City of Austin blue recycling carts. For metals in the curbside recycling cart you may include: Steel and tin cans Aluminum foil baking pans (from roasts, catering, pies, to-go containers, etc.) Aluminum foil (balled 2 inches or larger) Metal, as with other…

Recycling Bags Not Needed/Prohibited

Recycling Bags Not Needed/Prohibited

If you have been purchasing blue or clear “recycling” bags to put in your City of Austin blue recycling cart, I am sorry to say you have been wasting your money. Bagged recycling is prohibited in the City of Austin blue curbside single-stream recycling carts. They’re also prohibited at most apartment complexes. Recycling should be…