Reuse Plastic Eggs

My neighborhood collects plastic eggs to reuse each year. Each year we hold a neighborhood egg hunt. See if there is a neighborhood organization, church group or craft organization that would be interested near you. Submit eggs closed to help the volunteers. Recycle broken plastic eggs in your curbside recycling if your provider will allow,…

Coconut Scrubbers

Coconut scrubbers are super easy to use, gentle but effective on all my pans and dishes (no scratches), and can be composted when they’re past usefulness. You don’t have to recycle a metal scrubber at a special location like a scrap metal collector or recycling center, or in a special program, and it’s not like…

A Letter: Sandwich Cookies

All opinions stated are my own and I purchased these cookies myself. I’m going to start sharing examples of letters and inquiries I make to companies. I hope this gives you some helpful examples, both of decisions you can make and letters you may write. Our family loves chocolate sandwich cookies. Normally we only buy…

Coating Veggies/Marinating

Coat your veggies for roasting or marinate foods in a reusable container. Glass will hold up longer and wash cleaner than plastic so keep that in mind. After you pour out the food, wipe extra oil or marinade out with toilet paper (which we all should have) to avoid clogging the dishwasher or disposal. This…

Compost Animal Fur

Animal fur can go in curbside compost carts. Sunday was the spring shearing of our fluffy dog. She fills up two kitchen compost bags, each 2.5 gallons so that’s 5 gallons of “waste” diverted from the landfill. We’ve tried to leave fur out for birds and other animals but it doesn’t seem to get taken…