Photo: on the left is the original black silicone band for a FitBit Inspire 2, along with my pink and blue blue shark 4ocean bracelet (retired) in front of an open field of grass and trees. In the middle and on the right are my fabric replacements. The middle is teal and pink in an arrow pattern and the right photo is rainbow over a black bucket of batteries for recycling in front of a red wall.
Another R for us today. There are many Rs in zero waste and sustainability. Replace, which is along the lines of repair, except in this instance there is technically nothing broken to “fix.”
I started using a FitBit Inspire 2 a few months ago. I needed to get moving. A FitBit comes with a silicone band which I did okay with for about a month. Normally I am sensitive to silicone in that it makes me itchy or in this case started to rub a rash on my wrist. I gave it the benefit of the doubt and it failed, sorry FitBit. It’s not FitBit’s fault; this has happened with many types of silicone products on my skin. I was not going to not wear my FitBit while the irritation healed so I went online to Amazon to see if there are fabric band replacements. There are! I was so excited. The pack I ended up ordering has three different options that just slide in like a normal band switch so it’s very exciting. I have not had an irritation spot since I switched to fabric bands and none of my FitBit stats have been affected. It wears exactly the same, or maybe even more comfortably since I was sweating a bit under the silicone and I don’t have that problem with the fabric. I even read in the bands’ Amazon reviews someone uses their FitBit on their ankle, which is great to know. I had been thinking about what people without wrists do if they want to track their fitness so that was a very helpful review to read. I always encourage people to leave reviews especially if you can provide some helpful information and not just, “yeah it’s great.” I do my shopping based off reviews and evaluations so it’s helpful. Stepping of my little soapbox now.
I hope that this type of replacement inspires you to think of other areas or items that you may be avoiding or not using that just need something replaced or repaired to make it work for you.
Be fit, be safe, be a little more green. <3
4ocean Taylor’s link: https://bit.ly/3G6qGrN
20% off discount code: TAYLORYOUNGBLOOD20
As a 4ocean Brand Ambassador, I earn from qualifying purchases. The Blue Shark bracelet is no longer available but there are several shark options and many color combinations that may interest you. Each purchase pulls one pound of trash from oceans, rivers, and coastlines.
#fitbit #inspire2 #fitbitinspire2 #bands #wristbands #replacement #repair #makeitwork #skinsensitivity #skinirritation #silicone #keepatit #4ocean