Austin Creative Reuse is a 2 minute drive down the street from my new church, Memorial United Methodist Church. If I need to go to ACR, I stop over on the way home after church. The trip to ACR is most efficient this way and ends up being on the way home. I apply zero waste to more than recycling, compost, and trash. It’s also zero waste of time, money, resources, etc.
I’ve been working on an event-coffee post so I had that in mind while I was shopping. I also needed a new blue marker, wanted a black fabric marker, and new name badge holders. My son wanted a calendar to track things on and I found a little one for him. ACR didn’t have fabric markers, I want a black one to dye the worn parts on my Wool& sierra tank dress under the armpit, but they had everything else. I don’t like to use Sharpies on everything since sometimes there’s a kind of rainbow/peacock sheen or red tint that Sharpies make and I don’t want that on my dress.
I did find a sea green marker and I bought it since we don’t have that color. The coffee cup crate I found is awesome because it folders flat for storage and transport, and then I can fill it up with coffee cups after Sunday School and bring them home or to the kitchen to wash them. My goal is to request and recommend we start all using reusable mugs for coffee instead of single-serve cups.
There are many Rs of zero waste and it is my intention to point them out to you all so they become more familiar in your thinking and decision processes. I want Rs to be an everyday easy thing for you. ACR rescues their materials from the landfill and many of their items are reused, maybe even more than once. It is my intention with my new coffee time proposal-in-process of reusable mugs that I am able to encourage those in my spheres, in this case my spiritual sphere, to become a little more green.
Have a great green week!
#zerowaste #lesslandfill #reuse #coffee #coffeetime #zerowastecoffe #church #sundayschool #pipsqueak #namebadges

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