Rethink baskets. I can’t take credit for this idea but I’ll do the whole “R” thing here as a sustainable blogger. “Cottage core” includes hanging baskets like these and I’ve been wanting some for years. I just fell in love with the concept of doing something with these and I finally found some at The Austin Habitat for Humanity ReStore @atxrestore.
The toilet rooms in my home do not have cabinets, I don’t want a stand on the floor, and my husband hates floating shelves so I thought these baskets would be a great way to store extra toilet paper and matches. We found one set, the turtle is in a smaller basket, on one side of the store and the last matching larger basket on the completely other side of the store. So definitely go up and down all the aisles in thrift stores.
Below is the downstairs bath. I also rearranged a lot of my fake plants. Yes, they are plastic but I’m allergic to so much stuff that dusting these for the green place aesthetic works for me and I take good care of them.

I’m so glad I can share this idea with you all and as an added bonus it got me to finally fix the toilet paper holder in this second bathroom to look nice for the picture. The photo session also inspired me to add a bit more (from elsewhere in the house) to the bathroom to make it cozier. I love it!

My original intention with this type of hanging/wall basket was to put dried flowers in it like so many cottage core influencers do and I did end up doing that with the smaller basket. The smaller basket looked too empty with just the flowers so I added one of our stuffies which cleared counters space, always a win, and I just love the result and it warms up the space. Photo bomb note: do you see how the real bathroom looks? See My kid’s bathtime: real vs ideal.

Some of influencers say that baskets can bring warmth to a space and I think I agree with that, especially if they’re more natural in color and texture. So I’m really loving all of this. I also like the more unique and individual aspect.
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Wash Baskets – Especially Secondhand
#thrift #thriftfinds #secondhand #cottagecore #clearfloors #visual #noshelves #thriftstyled #individualstyle