This is bath time for real. There’s metal, there’s plastic, there’s silicone, there’s bubbles and fun. That is how it is. We can have goals, we can have hopes, and then there is reality. How much we impose our adult will on the situation is up to us and how we feel. Some days it’s the a little more green and sometimes it’s just reality.
Below is what I wish bath time looked like. It’s all stainless steel that I can use in the kitchen if I want to and silicone, specifically reusable water balloons.

All the stainless steel featured here is second hand. It is great for my kitchen needs if I want but it’s also perfect for kids to have their store or restaurant and to have fun in the bathtub. We make a lot of potions and soup at bathtime. I need a frequent buyer card!
#bath #bathtime #bathtimekids #sustainable #reusable #reality #ideal #bathtimefun #bubblebath #thrift #thriftedfinds #secondhand #multipurpose #rethink #rethinkthekitchen