If you are cleaning out for the new year, I want to let you know that in Austin, photograph paper is not recyclable.
Please put unwanted photographs in the trash rather than recycling. Check with your local utility/provider to determine their policy on photograph paper.
If you printed images on standard office paper or cardstock, those can go in the recycling.
If you have photos that may be of historical interest and/or are really old, check with a local preservation group like the Austin History Center or Harry Ransom Center. Photos of specific topics (e.g. birds or landscapes) may be of interest to artists or local collectors. You can try to post on Buy Nothing or ask your online networks if anyone is interested. Sometimes children’s programs, recovery and therapy programs, holiday-themed events and the like need photos for cut and paste artwork. Keep your eyes peeled for these opportunities if you have the space to hold photos for a bit.

Please make sure to check What Do I Do With online or the Austin Recycles app when you are looking to properly dispose of an item. As you can see from the featured image, also shown below, there are many items listed. If an item is not listed, and you can’t think of an alternative name to try and search on, suggest an item be added. I’ve been able to get many items like photos added to the depository.