It’s a Filmy Situation

Recycling plastic bags and plastic film One of the areas that I think is often overlooked in educating citizens is plastic bag and plastic film recycling. Per Austin Resource Recovery (ARR), these are “Those materials you can push your finger through that cannot be recycled in your blue [recycling] bins.” Plastic bags and plastic film…

Austin Recycles—Independent of China

The following information was shared with City of Austin Zero Waste Block Leaders in the February/March 2019 newsletter. This is long so bear with me. It’s an official response from Austin Resource Recovery/The City of Austin to citizen concerns. China’s program to stop importing recyclables, “Operation Green Fence,” was formally implemented beginning in 2013 because…

a little more green begins

I’ve been interested becoming a greener person since my third grade teacher taught us about recycling, litter, saving water, etc. The first two activities I remember doing were an audit of our recycling bin, and making a soda bottle weight to take up toilet tank space to reduce water usage. In 2014 I became a…