PlanetBox stainless steel meal items like lunchboxes, which are great for adults and kids, are on sale 30% off through Sept. 9. This is their biggest sale of the year if you are interested in trying out reusable, kid-proof and kid-friendly, plastic-free meal containers. Metal lasts forever and is infinitely recyclable. It’s hard to find PlanetBox for sale secondhand they’re so popular and/or last so well. I have a Rover tray and one of their older model water bottles (which we no longer use since the lid latch kept breaking) and we just ordered a Rover lunchbox, which is supposed to be great for picky eaters, and another water bottle for full time school in the fall. We have had great success using the Rover tray at home for our son who is a picky eater. He eats more on his Rover tray than when he has two steel compartment containers (we all love our Lunchbots and U-Konserve) or two small plates vs. the one Rover tray. I also like this new water bottle style since he can drink without touching plastic directly with his lips. His other active water bottle is a Pura Sport which has a silicone lid/drinking spout and it works very well and I like the replaceable silicone parts, but the lid did recently break off from the spout part so I’m ordering a replacement. I will have two bottles for the week since I like to have two steel water bottles in rotation to help air them out more between uses. Full disclosure: sometimes I battle that steel taste in the Pura water bottle. I have found time and airing out more help the best with the “steel taste” that rarely comes up. I don’t remember having a steel tastes in his previous PlanetBox water bottle, the latch would just snap when dropped too many times and it did last a long time before doing so.

It’s also Plastic Free July, “which is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities.” Many “green” or zero waste sites are having amazing sales this month if you are looking for reusable and more sustainable items to incorporate into your life. I encourage you to 1) use up what you have 2) look for second hand (including your local Buy Nothing), and then 3) purchase new but sustainable/reusable/recyclable items.
This idea is mostly for kids. I don’t want my son to have glass that may break at school and I’m not sure a school would allow it anyway. Most parks do not allow glass, nor do swimming pools, both for safety reasons. We don’t store food in plastic. Us adults still tend to stick to our glass. We’re find with the weight and that it can be microwaved. See RETHINK: Food Storage for glass ideas.
Love you guys!
#planetbox #lunchbox #waterbottle #backtoschool #stainless steel #pickyeater #plasticfree #lunchbots #ukonserve
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