Plastic Free July Catchup Days 1-5

Let’s catch up with your Taylor-version of Plastic Free July!

Day 1

Day 1 of Plastic Free July was Choosing a small step. The name of my blog is “a little more green” and that was intentional. Just pick one, one thing and try to do that consistently going forward. There are a lot of ideas and examples here or on Plastic Free July.

The cover photo of my Facebook page says “Begin Anywhere” and I mean it. Just pick one thing. It may not even be the thing that may be making the most non-zero waste impact on your life, it may be something that affects you all the time. My first recommendation is usually to make sure you’re using a reusable water bottle. You should hydrate and have water with you all day. Phone, keys, wallet, water, out the door, or at the desk.

Day 2

Day 2 was Reusing what you have. My best example, and one that goes with their image, is found silverware from cleaning out my office, chopsticks my mother-in-law gave me, and napkins my mom gave us when my husband and I first moved in together. I made a utensil holder from scraps I had from learning to sew my own pajama bottoms. Go to Reusables vs. Single-Use Products. P.S. I cannot figure out how to update Plastic Free July’s image to fit the window, I am so sorry PFJ.

Day 3

Day 3 was Avoiding Bottled Drinks. Big fan, my first recommendation for anyone is to get away from single-use plastic bottles and trashable coffee cups. I prefer stainless steel since metal is infinitely recyclable, and I overcarry things so I usually end up dropping something. These are sturdy.

Also, don’t get locked into water in one type of container and tea or coffee in another. Just use what you have or find and use it how you need to. I used to have a lot of preconceived ideas compartmentalizing objects and food and I am over it now thanks to a lot of therapy. Just sharing if it helps you. Water can go in “coffee” travel containers for example. Check out Greener Tip: Reusable Water Bottle/Cup and Church/Event Coffee.

Day 4

Day 4 was refusing plastic bags. I know my example is a little odd, but it has both a canvas bag in it and a plastic bag of plastic bags. Y’all, plastic bags and wrappers are everywhere! I keep finding them squirreled away at church too even after I have cleaned out cabinets and shelves. There are so many canvas and reusable bags floating around places and with your neighbors and friends, please reuse those. Leave them in the car and put them back immediately when you unload your groceries. If you take the bus or a bike, find the foldable bags. I know Natural Grocers sells ladybug ones that fold up small and flat and open up big. Get some saddle bags or a basket for your bike. If you do HEB curbside pickup, put the plastic bags back in your trunk and the employee will take them in to be recycled. Or go more traditional and use a handled basket or just carry items out of the store if you can. Some of us have large purses, can your items fit in there? Check out Refuse, HEB Recycles Plastic Bags & Film, Plastic Bags and Stickers, Plastic Bags and Plastic Films, can you tell I have to talk about this a lot?

Day 5

Day 5 was Ditching disposable cups. Coffee cups are plastic-lined paper. They go in the trash. There are soo many options and alternatives to single-use cups. I even found these look-alike white ceramic coffee cups with silicone lids and sleeves for my student workers as graduation presents. There are a lot of options for what you probably already have or that you can find secondhand. Check out Church/Event Coffee for more examples.

How is this going so far?

#PlasticFreeJuly #PlasticFreeJuly2024 #SmallStepsBigDifference #SayNoToSingleUsePlastic #Plasticdetox #PlasticFreeChallenge #ZeroWasteLiving #alittlemoregreen

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