Alcohol, rubbing alcohol or grain alcohol (Everclear) are great for disinfecting earrings, to use as deodorant, cleaning your glasses and erasing whiteboards. What else do you do with it? I like to keep my in a little spray bottle to make using it easier! #alcohol #rubbingalcohol #grainalcohol #everclear #disinfectant #deodorant #cleaning #cleanyourglasses #permanentmarker #swimmeets #swimming…
All posts tagged disinfectant
Wipes and Paper Towels
A reminder that chemicals are not allowed in the City of Austin curbside compost carts. “If it grows, it goes” into compost carts. Think food-grade. If not, it belongs in the trash. If you are cleaning with paper towels and vinegar, alcohol, baking soda, etc. then those paper towels may go in the compost carts.…