Rubbing or Grain Alcohol as Multipurpose

Rubbing or Grain Alcohol as Multipurpose

Alcohol, rubbing alcohol or grain alcohol (Everclear) are great for disinfecting earrings, to use as deodorant, cleaning your glasses and erasing whiteboards. What else do you do with it? I like to keep my in a little spray bottle to make using it easier! #alcohol #rubbingalcohol #grainalcohol #everclear #disinfectant #deodorant #cleaning #cleanyourglasses #permanentmarker #swimmeets #swimming…

Wipes and Paper Towels

Wipes and Paper Towels

A reminder that chemicals are not allowed in the City of Austin curbside compost carts. “If it grows, it goes” into compost carts. Think food-grade. If not, it belongs in the trash. If you are cleaning with paper towels and vinegar, alcohol, baking soda, etc. then those paper towels may go in the compost carts.…