Running recycling and donations around town today. So much to clear out from church and neighbors.
Goodwill got a trunk full of old adding machines that were falling apart from a storage shed at church. Goodwill is one of the largest electronics recyclers in Texas.
Austin Creative reuse received a bunch of craft supplies from the Girl Scouts at my church who are organizing their room.

This was after my drop-off at Austin Recycle & Reuse Drop-off Center that included Styrofoam, plastic bags, textiles, scrap metal, hard plastics and electronics. That was a combination of my house, my parents, neighbors and church kitchens (we have three). Woo!
It is satisfying to be able to divert these items from the landfill. I’m glad Austin has so many recycling options for things that cannot be repaired or reused.
#neighborshelpingneighbors #churchcleaning #donations #girlscouts #recycling #recyclemore #austinrecycles