Happy Mardi Gras! I grew up in Louisiana so we celebrate Mardi Gras. According to Wikipedia, “Mardi Gras is French for “Fat Tuesday”, reflecting the practice of the last night of eating rich, fatty foods before the ritual Lenten sacrifices and fasting of the Lenten season.” There are a lot of parades, food and trinkets at all the parties and celebrations.
It traditionally creates a ton of trash as this stuff is hard to sort once collected out of the streets.
There are local groups out there that collect beads, doubloons and other trinkets to reuse so check your local area groups and crafts entities.
I always brought my extras into work and coworkers really appreciated having beads to wear and decorate with. They’re useful for holiday color needs too, like wearing green for St. Patrick’s Day
. Local craft businesses, camps and artists may appreciate them too so keep an eye out or post locally. You can get by without beads too. Here I’m rocking the purple, green and gold with my own jewelry, @wool.and pine ellie midi wrap dress, @4ocean bracelets, and vintage jewelry off Etsy with my green bangle and Mardi Gras brooch. King Cake babies can be toys for kids (baby for a family), part of dioramas or nativity. Doubloons and other trinkets can be prizes for kids like at speech therapy so ask your kid’s crew if they need any prizes.
Also, please don’t hang Mardi Gras beads outside all year where the paint can fleck off and get into the ground and water.
Please share any other ideas or groups that help out with this holiday.
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