Buy Nothing Project

Buy Nothing Project

I just learned about the Buy Nothing Project/group about a month ago. I’m used to seeing, reading, and writing about posting about (for or away/give or want) items on craigslist, Freecycle, Marketplace and our neighborhood social media platforms. My neighbors started mentioning our area’s Buy Nothing group as a way to re-purpose/re-home/donate items. It’s awesome.…

Beverage Buyer Beware: Trader Joe’s

Beverage Buyer Beware: Trader Joe’s

I love seasonal beverages! They’re my favorite treat! I love to try the holiday flavors that come out at this time of year. Unfortunately I’ve discovered that Trader Joe’s, my husband’s favorite place to treat me, is not earth friendly with their seasonal beverage selections. I dislike calling out a specific company, but there were…

Updating Furniture

Updating Furniture

Instead of buying a new piece of furniture, consider giving your current furniture a facelift. Slipcovers, pillow covers, decorative pillows, blankets artistically draped, paint, new hardware, new accents, all these things can be used to give a new life to pieces you already own. Here are some examples of a quick color change. My couch’s…