I was craving brownies Friday so I bought a mix while I was out.
Not all baking mixes come in the opaque bag that you can rinse, dry and recycle with plastic bags. Some mixes come in the silvery bag that goes in the trash.
You get a feel for the possibility or you learn from others which brands are opaque.
Plastic bags in Austin can be dropped off at many grocery stores and the Recycle & Reuse Drop-off Center by appointment.
I bought the version with chips, not syrup because that syrup bag does have to go in the trash.
So look at even the “includes”/ “extras” when making choices. Oil, water and eggs all come in easier to recycle or reuse containers/resources. We could get into whether to buy packaged food or not to reduce having to recycle anything in the first place, but I am telling my truth and trying to meet you where you are or need to be.
Remember we don’t all have access to good bulk systems or local or convenient bakeries. And sometimes you just need to bake some brownies.