a little more green begins

I’ve been interested becoming a greener person since my third grade teacher taught us about recycling, litter, saving water, etc. The first two activities I remember doing were an audit of our recycling bin, and making a soda bottle weight to take up toilet tank space to reduce water usage.

In 2014 I became a City of Austin Zero Waste Block Leader. Since that time I have been doing what I can to help educate my neighbors, family and friends about how to improve their recycling, composting and reuse efforts. My husband and I were as zero waste as we could be in Austin, Texas until the birth of our first child. At that time we realized we needed to make allowances that reduced stress on our family. We also have three furry kids. So while currently we’re no longer absolute zero waste (a definition that varies), we do what we can where we can with the expectation that we want to get back to zero waste eventually, or as zero waste as we can in Texas, especially as the movement expands and improves.

Since my son turned one, I have refocused my efforts to educate my neighbors, family and friends on how they can increase and make easier their recycling and composting efforts. I have had such great feedback from my neighborhood social media posts I wanted to share my ideas with more people.

My goal is to help you do what you can without inconvenience and to hopefully give you ideas on how you too can be a little more green.