Zero waste doesn’t mean perfect. We are all on a journey. I think of zero waste as small steps we learn to take to get a little more green when I can, hence my blog’s name. We make choices or have needs as we go along. I really wanted coffee today at the car repair. I find it comforting in that type of situation and with the morning I had Tuesday September 15, when my car battery died when trying to take my 5 year old son to school. The coffee bar measures things in their disposable, non-compostable cups so I’ve never asked if I can bring my own reusable cup for coffee there. It’s something I intend to write them about: perhaps they can get reusable cups for mixing, they have a sink and towels already. What I do in these cases where I don’t refuse an item that I can’t recycle or compost, is rinse it out and bring home to use in demos and at events when I talk about coffee cups and plastic-lined items. It is reuse in a different mode, demo vs drink cup. I encourage you to keep your items that you get when you are out and about. These saved items are great to share for lessons and demos (I regularly ask neighbors for items to demo and blog about) , and can also help if you are doing a personal audit of what choices you make each day, especially when out and about and not at home, and may be a helpful visual reminder of an item to work on how you can make it greener, or who you can write about to discuss change.
#coffee #coffeecup #lessons #demo