Meet my new earrings made from upcycled cereal boxes! These are from Jabebo Studio. I have Wild Turkeys and the 12 Days of Christmas here in the featured photo plus their Red Foxes. The two Christmas earrings are four birds calling on a landline phone with a cord and a partridge in a pear tree! How fun are these?! My son loves red foxes and when we saw those, our first pair, at Wild Birds Unlimited he said that I needed them. Who can say no to that? Plus they are upcycled and support wild animal awareness, as well as a small local business.
Here are the 12 Days of Christmas up close. I’m also wearing another Etsy buy, my headband is from PopFizzCheers, which is also at the Blue Genie Art Bazaar.

Here are the red fox earrings. This is it jumping. The other side, not pictured, is the red fox sitting.
Etsy (where I ordered these two pairs):
Wild Birds Unlimited (I bought my red foxes at the Round Rock, TX location): This is a franchise so there may be a location near you. We have one in Austin and Round Rock, Texas.
#upcycling #cerealboxes #wildturkey #turkey #12daysofchristmas #fourcallingbirds #partridgeinapeartree #reuse #upcycle #zerowaste #smallbusiness