I recently joined a new church who also was assigned a new pastor. Between the two of us we have so many ideas that we are working on! One of the ideas we both had was to have Welcome signs at the entrances to show everyone where to go in. We have a lot of doors on site and share our campus with other churches so we felt it was important to begin improving signage and directions.

Using art paper from Jerry’s Artarama (because Austin Creative Reuse did not have the type of paper I needed) and paint from Austin Creative Reuse (I already had the brush I wanted), I covered a corrugated plastic lawn sign I didn’t need anymore and we used this until our new reusable sandwich board signs arrived.
All I did was measure paper out around the sign and then fold it over and taped it. That way I didn’t damage the plastic sign or poles and the paper would be easy to recycle when we no longer needed it. A regular amount of paint like this is recyclable on paper and tape is allowed in the recycling stream so the sign will be recycled now it is no longer needed.
I hope this idea helps you with event or location signage. It’s a great way to direct people and is a good project for youth to help out with event planning.
The sign is for Memorial United Methodist Church in Austin, Texas if you want to stop by. We’d love to have you join us.
#reuse #recycle #zerowaste #church #churchsignage #renewal #brightdays #churchfamily #welcomeguests #helpingothers #grace #beumc