I finally broke down and ordered these Reusable Gift Bags from Grove Co. I wanted to make Christmas look a little more put together for my son instead of using our regular tan pillow cases. It turns out when I donated the magnetic boxes last Christmas I included all the wired ribbon as well so I don’t even have ribbon to wrap around our current pillowcases. I also use my scarves regularly so they aren’t an option either and I didn’t want to go get ribbon from Austin Creative Reuse though it was an option I’m grateful to have. There are small businesses that make reusable gift bags and you can probably find them at craft fairs too. I’ve bought those before but they ended up in a previous Christmas packaging giveaway, oops. I don’t like to store bulky Christmas packaging anymore which is why I ended up giving it all away last year. I just kept moving the items around all the time and they’d fall on me so I had enough and gave it away to Austin Creative Reuse. I’ve shared some gift wrap options in Christmas Decorations and Gift Wrap, Reusable & Simple Holiday Decor, and How to Process Gift Packaging.
We have what I call a Santa Sack in our parent closet. It’s a cotton bag that one of the duvets came in when we ordered it. It’s where I store presents while they are collected. I don’t put out presents early because then my son wants to open them and I don’t want to listen to that for the whole season. We put out presents for Christmas morning. The Santa Sack is thick enough to block any peeking and my son doesn’t go through our things where I need to hide it so it’s just stored in a corner of our closet. If he was a floor level go through the closet kind of kid, I would put it on the really high shelf.

One of the reasons I liked this bag set from Grove was all the different sizes and I could tell they wouldn’t be see through. I’ve had fabric bags before that were to tight/thin and I could see through the fabric. These also have nice ribbon drawstrings which is great and helpful.

They come all folded up in one of the bags. There’s a cotton merchandise tag that I had already recycled when I took the pictures so it’s not shown here. I’m not an iron person so I did not iron out the wrinkles from how the bags were packaged before I “wrapped” the presents. Other great features of this product are they:
- Supports job creation for women in Afghanistan, boosting local economy.
- Aids in reducing landfill waste, encouraging a more mindful, eco-friendly lifestyle.
- Crafted from durable 100% cotton, offering you repeated use year after year.
Get 30% off your first order with Grove with my link: https://www.grove.co/referrer/148855896/.

Here are a few present samples so you can get an idea of what will fit in them. My son has two loves: stuffies and Legos/building so that’s basically what he gets for every present occasion.

The Pikachu pillow will not fit in the largest gift sack so this will be present loose/unwrapped as a Santa present.
Here’s everything back in the Santa Sack which is a great way to take gifts downstairs and put under the tree.

Once we have Christmas at our house, I’ll reuse the bags to “wrap” the presents for the rest of my family when we go over to my parents’ house later in the day. Then I’ll take the bags home folded up and store it with the Christmas things. I hope I remember to bring the Santa sack to grammy and poppy’s because I know a little grandson that is getting some big boxes.
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