Wondering what to do with your solar eclipse glasses? The City of Austin (Texas) will set up collection boxes through April 26 at all Austin Public Library locations and City of Austin Community Recreation Center locations. Astronomers Without Borders will then redistribute the glasses so others can have a safe way to view a future…
Mail: TheHomeMag
I don’t get very much mail but when I do I unsubscribe! Normally I start with Catalog Choice to unsubscribe. In this instance for TheHomeMag, the response was to opt out on their website so I went to their website. So grateful that they made this easy. If you scroll down to the bottom of…
Reuse: Those Elastics
I tend to keep all those ribbons, elastics, strings and such that come from gifts and may come in handy. Now, that can get to be a bit much so I do cull it out when my sewing box gets too full, but generally I have several types. My son made two of the energy…
Shred Day: April 13, 2024
SHRED DAY!!! SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, April 13, 2024 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Where: Balcones Resources, 9301 Johnny Morris Rd, Austin, TX 78724 GET READY TO SHRED: Stay up to date at: https://www.austinarma.com/shred-day Have a great green week!
I recently received the following email from a neighbor, “Can photographs be recycled? We are scanning all of ours and then discarding the photos (after we offer them to the kids).” I love getting questions! I also love that they offered their kids the option to review the photos before discarding them. Sometimes artists and crafts-people may be interested…
Thursday with Taylor
Hi Everyone! It’s been a while. I’ve missed this. I’m still here. Still doing green things, as well as too many things. For those of you that don’t know me, I am an over-volunteer-er. I love to help, especially if I feel it’s in my wheelhouse. So while I have been collecting items from my…
Reusing Disposable Freezer Bags
Several of my neighbors posted reuse suggestions earlier this month after a neighbor asked about her Blue Apron freezer bag. I’m sharing their tips here since I think they’re great ideas to try out. “I have attached 2 PVC pipe to an exterior spigot as additional spigots and insulated it with that black foam tube.…
Towels and Sheets
I dropped off neighborhood and church Styrofoam and tube lights to the Recycle and Reuse Drop-off Center last week as well as two 30 gallon bags of neighbor’s old jeans, towels, pillow cases and fitted sheets to Wildlife Rescue of Austin. It’s been so much, almost 2.5 car loads, last week from holiday gifts and…
I keep getting asked about pillows, especially sleeping pillows so here’s your pillow post! Sleeping Pillows According to the City of Austin’s Austin Resource Recovery (ARR) “What Do I Do With?” app/page for “pillow” (ARR does not differentiate type of pillow or its condition): The Austin Common shared the following option available at Lowe’s. I…
Paper Padded Mailer
I took a basically new box of paper padded mailers over to Austin Creative Reuse (ACR) from my church. They were super excited to receive them as ACR does a lot of work with teachers and has a very high (97-98%) diversion rate. Our church admin confirmed that we would never use these and never…