It’s still Fall y’all. This is my new go-to bracelet stack for fall, pumpkins, all things orange! This bracelet stack is from 4ocean from two Fall Fests. This was also a good stack for the pumpkin patch field trip and #wearorangeday (there are at least two of these: one for gun violence and one for…
Yikes it’s been awhile!
Hi my blog/website people! It’s been awhile since I wrote a full post here! I’ve been posting on my social media sites a bit but I haven’t done in depth posts and shares. I have regretted that and I apologize if you missed learning more new things here! In the featured image I’m at my…
Create a ChurchWorship Recycling Station
We’re being green! One of the projects I received approval for was to create a recycling station at church. Through our normally scheduled activities I noticed we were creating plastic bag and film waste, as well as Styrofoam waste, and as part of my decluttering efforts I was finding old and corroded batteries stashed all…
Recycling Center 10.09.24
Recycling run for 11 households and church. This is how I Zero Waste Block Leader for the City of Austin. This includes Styrofoam, cardboard, old paint, light bulbs, scrap metal, plastic bags and hard plastics. Car is full! No room for my kiddo! #styrofoam #cardboard #paint #lightbulbs #scrapmetal #hardplastics #plasticbags #atxrecycles #recyclemore #zerowasteblockleader
Contact lenses can be recycled!
I had my annual eye exam this morning and I wanted to share this reminder with you all. I got to the point where I decided contact lenses weren’t going to work for me anymore, so I’m glasses all the way now, but it’s important to remember to share that contact lenses can be recycled…
Product Recommendation: Lee Micro Gel Grips
It’s not about general life and living, but I’m sharing this product recommendation with you so you can save money trying something that may not work if you do a lot of paperwork These are my absolute most favorite things from being a contract administrator, office supply wise. G2 refillable pens are second place. The…
Shop Local & Mom/Son Date at Terra Toys
Shopping locally keeps more funds in small business hands, reduces shipping costs, and is fun! Plus air-conditioning! My son and I love to visit Terra Toys, the largest toy store in Texas. We have mom and son dates playing chess (we don’t really know how so we make up our own rules), eating a locally…
How I Cut Fresh Pineapple
If you have the option and ability, a fresh pineapple is going to be cheaper and greener to process than a precut one in a plastic container. I have found that using a great bread knife works the best. Here’s what I do. Grab your kitchen compost collector because there will be a lot to…
Plastic Free July- Day 6: Avoid prepackaged produce
Day 6 of Plastic Free July was Avoid Pre-Packaged Produce. This focuses on buying loose or bulk produce instead of plastic-bagged produce. It also encourages you to avoid using plastic produce bags. Personally I would like it if we even avoided using single-use compost bags or paper bags for produce when there are reusable cotton and…
Buy Nothing Give: Nap Mat for Kinder
My son is going into 1st grade next month so we don’t need our nap mat anymore. I tried keeping it around to use in building forts and such but he didn’t use it so we both agreed to post it on Buy Nothing. I actually didn’t have any parents who wanted it. A grandmother…