As a City of Austin Zero Waste Block Leader, one of the services I offer to my neighbors (this is not required) is collection bins on my porch for items that need to get taken to the recycling center, the Austin Recycle & Reuse Drop-off Center (RRDOC). These are items that for various reasons should not go in the single-stream recycling blue carts. I figure I’m going anyway so I may as well help out my neighbors. Collection before today included the following:
- Styrofoam, which is now separated into hard foam and soft foam (two bins). The RRDOC needs it separated so I’m teaching/requesting my neighbors to learn the difference and help by presorting.
- Towels, sheets and jeans (worn out) for Austin Wildlife Rescue
- Rubber bands for use by anyone or that can go to Austin Creative Reuse
- Foam darts for free or recycling (I just find these on my walks and going to our parks so I save them.)
As of this morning, based on a poll in my neighborhood Facebook group and neighborhood recycling Facebook group, I will pilot taking small broken electronics. Working electronics should be donated and larger ones are the responsibility of the neighbors. I am hoping people respect my instructions and don’t leave large items… Here’s what I shared in both groups.
New Bin on Taylor’s porch:
I will accept small broken electronics with a cord, computer chip, or batteries (please remove batteries).
Please keep electronics or other drops small. Dropoff at Best Buy or Goodwill if electronics are large.
Please remove batteries.
Batteries can go to any Austin Public Library and we have one down Berkman.
If you have 1-3 paint cans, DM me and I will coordinate collecting with you.
If you are homebound and need a battery, foam, etc. collection, DM me and we can chat.
Please do not leave batteries, paint or chemicals on my porch so they don’t explode or catch fire in the heat. Thanks!
It may seem like I have a lot on my porch but it’s not bad. It’s a pretty big porch and we usually sit in the back rather than the front, but there is still space to sit out front if we need to. At some point I’d love a larger more tall drawer system or something but it is what it is and all the bins have been donated so it’s green and sustainable.
#neighborshelpingneighbors #alittlemoregreen #zerowaste #zerowasteblockleader #zwbl #electronics #smallelectronics #lesslandfill #collections #collectionbins