I found my maternity belt / belly band in the back of the laundry room cabinet. This is 7 years after I had my son…
This is your reminder to go through your things at least once a year and move them along to someone who can use them as soon as possible, both to help someone else and clear up space for you and your family. I just posted to my local Buy Nothing group but if that doesn’t pan out then I’m going to try Any Baby Can or another local mom assistance program.
Because fabrics can degrade, storage may not be ideal, science and beliefs and all that stuff can change, I really encourage you to keep things moving as contemporarily as possible. Also, if you know a mama who is probably going to have a bigger kiddo or could use some support, I highly recommend these. We knew my son was going to be larger since my husband is so tall and I’m so short. It was so helpful for my 10 lb.-er especially in my last trimester. #maternitybelt #bellyband #pregnancy #postpartum #momshelpingmoms #keepitmoving #neighborshelpingneighbors