Top Contaminants in Mueller Recycling Carts
This article originally appeared in the January 2019 edition of the Front Porch Flyer.
It has been updated with apartment information and additional cities’ information.
As amazing as Muellerites are at being green, we do have recurring “contamination” in our blue recycling carts. Below are incorrect items that are commonly found in Mueller’s blue carts. Maybe they’re in your carts too?
Did you know that the triangle commonly associated with recycling does not mean an item is automatically recyclable? It identifies the type of material. An item may be recyclable somewhere, but not necessarily in Austin, where you live or where you are visiting. It’s important to check What Do I Do With? if you’re not sure, especially if an item is not showing up on the current cart guide, What Goes In?
Apartment Dwellers, please see your guide for all materials HERE.
Any items that are not recyclable in the blue cart, but that are accepted by the City of Austin (like Styrofoam), may be taken to the Austin Recycle & Reuse Drop-off Center.

Carton containers like these are made of mixed materials (paper and plastic) that cannot be separated or recycled in the
City of Austin.
– Milk (almond, soy, eggnog, etc.)
– Liquid eggs (not pictured)
– Oatmeal
– Paper mailer with plastic bubble wrap inside

Stores that have Bag Drop-off
– Central Market
– Target
– Walmart, etc.
These items jam single-stream sorting machinery causing hours of delay for cleaning and/or possible injury to the workers.
These items may also be taken to the Austin Recycle & Reuse Drop-off Center.
*Not pictured is bubble wrap which also goes to Store Drop-off.

Not As-Is:
– The pizza box has food contamination and goes in the green compost cart.
– The egg carton, clean of egg may go in the blue recycling cart. With egg, it goes in the green compost cart.
– The plastic wrap needs removed from the cardboard tray and then may go to a Store Drop-off. The loose cardboard tray may go in the blue cart.
– The Styrofoam (any type), once clean and dry, goes to the Austin Recycle & Reuse Drop-off Center.
Extra recyclables will be collected at no extra charge. Once your blue cart is full, place additional recyclables in a cardboard box or other reusable container next to your cart.
If you would like to request an additional blue cart, free of charge,
call 512-494-9400.

City of Austin Residential Recycling / Apartment Dwellers Guide
City of New Braunfels Residential Recycling
City of Round Rock Residential Recycling / Recycling Center
City of San Marcos Residential Recycling / Apartment Dweller Quick Facts
Apartments should check with their provider/contractor or that provider/contractor(s) website(s) for instructions/restrictions.