My @indigenousbox winter box arrived just in time for my birthday!
It’s full of purples and blues !
These boxes come with an assortment of indigenous/native products curated by a small indigenous company in Canada and made by small businesses.
This is honestly the warmest blanket I have ever had and the lip balm tied for my favorite. Green perk: it comes in cardboard so the tube can be composted when it’s empty.
My new Skoden necklace is in my reels this week. Skoden is an indigenous slang term that means “let’s go then” which has been so motivational for me to share more!
Truth on this soap: it smells so good that right now its in my closet. I can’t even make myself use it yet, so I can’t let you know about its actual function because it smells too good! Also green points for paper wrapper that can also be composted!
Things I would do to make this even greener:
- I would have the card in a paper sleeve. There are transparent paper sleeves. I know cellophane protects the paper more and you can see the picture clearly so you get that great first impression but it can’t be recycled.
- Same on the necklace, a transparent/opaque paper envelope.
- I don’t know if there is anyway to store salt in an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way so it doesn’t get moisture in it so I’ll look into salt packaging options. I had a Salt Container post with the same problem, Morton’s Salt comes in coated paper canisters that have to be trashed.
- The blanket is shedding a bit but I’m not sure if that’s my son pulling on it or the material. It really is just the best softest most favorite blanket in our house. <3

The box and indigenous art! <3
Some of the contents and the artists.

The comfiest and more gorgeous blanket ever.