Inclusive Play: Toy Like Me

The first time I saw a bone anchored hearing aid (BAHA) I thought it was a headband. I told the little girl I loved her headband (purple & pink!) and her mom told me it was a hearing aid. I had no idea! My son goes to a school for kids with speech, language and learning differences, Capitol School of Austin. His school is so supportive of everyone on their speech journey and I want to know all the things, be an ally and support everyone too. I’ve been following Toy Like Me for awhile and finally decided to support them this year. I purchased our BAHA through their Etsy shop. Now we have an inclusive toy to remind all of us that this is how some people are, we know, and it’s cool. I also love their options are an accessory for toys you already have and love, and not a new toy. We don’t need new toys, though exposure and normalizing all human states is a good thing, but I love that we can customize a toy that really speaks to a child and allows them to have control and agency over their favorite toy(s) and how they are represented.

@capitolschoolofaustin #reduce #reuse #deafidentity #deafledbusiness #inclusiveplay #inclusion #smallbusiness #specialneeds #normalize #educate #BAHA #toylikeme #boneanchoredhearingaids

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