Here’s your candy/Halloween quick tip sheet:

Candy bags go in the trash. This is the big bag that all the little candy comes in.
There is usually a No Plastic Bag How2Recycle label on the back.
Pretzel bags/Candy wrappers in trash.
This box the pretzels came in can be recycled in single-stream recycling/blue carts.

- If you are lucky enough to get boxed candy like Dots, Milk Dud’s, Junior Mints, Sugar Babies, or Nerds, those boxes can go in the compost because food touched paper.
- You can compost lollipop sticks.
- You can empty/dump candy in compost, just trash wrappers first.
- Boxes that didn’t directly touch candy or food can go in recycling.
- Foil candy wrappers can in theory be recycled if they are free of chocolate and rolled into a two inch ball.
- Typically there is still too much chocolate on foil wrappers and if you’re in a hurry and you’ve got kids, this may not be feasible.
- Put masks and costume parts in the trick or treat bag so they don’t get dropped and lost.
- Donate found costume parts if you can find the owner through a neighborhood post.
Happy Halloween!
#halloween #halloween2024 #candy #trickortreat #parentlife #neighbors #community #lesslandfill #alittemoregreen