I made my own peanut butter cups! All store peanut butter cups have palm oil in them and that’s neither healthy for humans or the orangutans’ habitats that are destroyed for palm oil production.
Heads up most baked or prepackaged goods at chain stores have palm oil in them. It seems to be in everything…
These were easier than I thought but didn’t quite meet our expectations The chocolate was too dark for our 7 year old, too much chocolate for me (I would only eat the bottom with the filling) and not enough peanut butter filling for my hubby. So while now I’m familiar with the process and concept, I’ll be experimenting with the optimal ratios for my family. There is also less packaging per cup when homemade than store bought though they weren’t zero waste with the brands we buy. The chips and confectioners sugar came in trashable bags.
homemade #peanutbuttercup #healthier #peanutbuttercups #palmoil #palmoilfree #lesspackaging #darkchocolate