Emergency Need: Towels

We collected 10 LARGE BAGS of towels, linens and jeans for Austin Wildlife Rescue (AWR) in my neighborhood.

Neighbors responded to their emergency needs so quickly and overwhelmingly!

This is also a great way to clear out space in your home and reuse linens that may otherwise end up on the landfill! Check with your local animal rescue or animal service providers and if you don’t have one, Goodwill will recycle all types of linens such as towels, sheets, etc.

💥Urgent Need💥 We are completely out of towels! With the number of animals we are cleaning and feeding each day, we are completely out of large towels. Towels help keep our babies healthy and dry while they are in our care. If you are in the process of cleaning things out and have large bath or beach towels you can donate, we would love to have them! You may drop off any towel donations at either location between the hours of 9-4. Our fur babies thank you! 🦝❤️

Rehab Center:

111 Elbow Bend

Elgin, TX 78621

Intake Center:

5401 E. MLK

Austin, TX 78721


I leave a waterproof bin on my porch and list items AWR needs. I share that with my neighbors and take things over when the container is full. A generous neighbor donated these large tubs to me to use for collecting items to recycle and rehome. Jeanne’s such a sweetie!

TIP: A lot of neighbors brought things in bags themselves but I do recommend you request items be bagged to help when driving/delivering. I had to go grab three trash bags to finish bagging up the donations.

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