I got to share about reusables today during worship! My pastor is very supportive of creation care, of so many things really <3, and asked me to share each Sunday in April during Earth Month. The first week was on recycling and this second week was on reusables.
I had a lot of demonstration items out (and at the podium) that showed what a lot of people are using that is plastic, especially single-use plastic and probably will need to get thrown away, versus alternatives they could use that would last longer: straws, utensils, bags, drinking vessel options, etc.

Then I attended the second class of our A-Mazing Creation course where we talked about how living, nonliving things, and humans are connected and affect one another and how this relates to our site.
We composted lunch, which I took home to my curbside compost cart.
I’m a member of Memorial United Methodist Church. I am also the Team Leader of our Creation Care Team and our site’s efforts at zero waste, sustainability and climate justice.