I wanted to share another face mask post. I’m kind of a geek now about making my own masks out of other items. Some people like to shop all the pretty handmade masks, I like the creative challenge of reuse! I already wrote a post on zero waste face masks. Please check the link for…
All posts in Reusable
I Need to Donate/Clear Out
If you feel like you need to donate right now there are some options open. There are many people in need and you want and can help. And/or you may need the space and mental clarity of clearing out clutter. Whatever your reasons, please be safe (wear a mask and keep 6 feet of distance)…
Plastic Plant Pots
Plastic containers that plants come in can be recycled in Austin, Texas. If you recycle them they should be rinsed and dry, free of dirt and plant material. Some cities don’t accept black plastic. Some cities don’t accept certain numbers of plastic. Please check with your local city department or contractor. Please do not ask…
Zero Waste Face Masks
Several types of cloth reusable face masks are addressed here. I wanted to make face masks using materials I already had and items that could be re-purposed and reused. Since social media is all a buzz about more medical-looking face mask, I’ll share this first. I was fortunate to have a scrap/rag bag going on…
Reusables vs. Single-Use Products
It’s a new year! We’re going to be focusing a bit more on the other R’s this year beyond Recycle even though Recycle is a big area we can always improve on. There are at least 7 Other Rs according to Treehugger: Reduce: Just use less. Return: Producers should take back what they sell. Reuse: Almost boring,…
Buy Nothing Project
I just learned about the Buy Nothing Project/group about a month ago. I’m used to seeing, reading, and writing about posting about (for or away/give or want) items on craigslist, Freecycle, Marketplace and our neighborhood social media platforms. My neighbors started mentioning our area’s Buy Nothing group as a way to re-purpose/re-home/donate items. It’s awesome.…
To-Go Utensil/Cutlery Sets/Packs
We’ve all seen these. Many of us have ended up with them, willing or not. There are local charities that are ecstatic to accept donations of unopened utensil/cutlery packs! You may have to do some research at first. As I am informed of organizations accepting donations I will update this post. Mobile Loaves & Fishes…
Tiny Toys and Trinkets
I don’t know about you, but I always came home with a ton of little party favors and such from school at this time of year, not to mention all the other holiday/seasonal parties, birthday parties, stocking stuffers, treats, freebies, etc. When you’re a kid, it can seem like you get something at everything you…
Christmas Decorations and Gift Wrap
Several years ago my pre-lit Christmas tree lights began to go out. Eventually two entire tiers (of three) burned out. My mom came by and cut all the original lights off of the tree and we strung a single strand through each tier. I bought a Christmas tree bag so we could lay the tiers…
Beverage Buyer Beware: Trader Joe’s
I love seasonal beverages! They’re my favorite treat! I love to try the holiday flavors that come out at this time of year. Unfortunately I’ve discovered that Trader Joe’s, my husband’s favorite place to treat me, is not earth friendly with their seasonal beverage selections. I dislike calling out a specific company, but there were…