Asbestos Recycling

Asbestos Recycling

Featured image from The Mesothelioma Center reached out to me recently and proposed I add information on proper handling of asbestos to my Where Do I Donate/Recycle? page. Turns out asbestos can be recycled, and it really needs a lot of proper handling to keep people safe. I wrote a short bit for my…

Cooking Oil and Grease

Cooking Oil and Grease

Drop off this household hazardous waste at the Recycle & Reuse Drop-off Center, where it will be safely disposed of, recycled or reused.  If brought to the Recycle & Reuse Drop-off Center, oil must be in containers smaller than five-gallon capacity. [This is a one-gallon coconut oil bucket. Costco’s Kirkland salted peanuts come in a nice…

Loose Recycling Only

Loose Recycling Only

Check your local guidelines on how to properly set out your recycling. You could be wasting money, time and resources bagging. In Austin, recycling should be loose in carts, not bagged. Bagged items like those pictures here will be pulled off the sorting lines and immediately trashed. The human sorters don’t have time to open…

Cell Phones

Cell Phones

“Don’t store old phones long-term in your home or office. Unused cell phones and batteries can become dangerous if exposed to temperature extremes or moisture, potentially exposing you and others to harmful substances. Be safe and take your old phone directly to a local recycler” or trade it in as soon as you are able.…