Recycling: 10.11.23

Recycling: 10.11.23

Running recycling and donations around town today. So much to clear out from church and neighbors. Goodwill got a trunk full of old adding machines that were falling apart from a storage shed at church. Goodwill is one of the largest electronics recyclers in Texas. Austin Creative reuse received a bunch of craft supplies from…

Lo Salt

Lo Salt

I just finished a Lot Salt and you can recycle this IF you take it apart, otherwise trash it if it’s intact. All three parts can be recycled once disassembled. Cardboard in your single stream recycling carts and the plastic and metal in Scrap Metal and Hard Plastics at your recycling center. Remember that if…

Asbestos Recycling

Asbestos Recycling

Featured image from The Mesothelioma Center reached out to me recently and proposed I add information on proper handling of asbestos to my Where Do I Donate/Recycle? page. Turns out asbestos can be recycled, and it really needs a lot of proper handling to keep people safe. I wrote a short bit for my…

Cooking Oil and Grease

Cooking Oil and Grease

Drop off this household hazardous waste at the Recycle & Reuse Drop-off Center, where it will be safely disposed of, recycled or reused.  If brought to the Recycle & Reuse Drop-off Center, oil must be in containers smaller than five-gallon capacity. [This is a one-gallon coconut oil bucket. Costco’s Kirkland salted peanuts come in a nice…