Yesterday was Mother’s Day and last week was Teacher Appreciation Week. There were a lot of flower bouquets going around! Flowers are beautiful and many people enjoy receiving and giving them. Here’s how to handle them. You can compost the extra leaves and stems as well as the petals from fresh cut flowers. I took…
All posts in Recycling
Creation Care Moment April 14, 2024
I got to share about reusables today during worship! My pastor is very supportive of creation care, of so many things really <3, and asked me to share each Sunday in April during Earth Month. The first week was on recycling and this second week was on reusables. I had a lot of demonstration items…
Shred Day: April 13, 2024
SHRED DAY!!! SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, April 13, 2024 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Where: Balcones Resources, 9301 Johnny Morris Rd, Austin, TX 78724 GET READY TO SHRED: Stay up to date at: Have a great green week!
I recently received the following email from a neighbor, “Can photographs be recycled? We are scanning all of ours and then discarding the photos (after we offer them to the kids).” I love getting questions! I also love that they offered their kids the option to review the photos before discarding them. Sometimes artists and crafts-people may be interested…
Towels and Sheets
I dropped off neighborhood and church Styrofoam and tube lights to the Recycle and Reuse Drop-off Center last week as well as two 30 gallon bags of neighbor’s old jeans, towels, pillow cases and fitted sheets to Wildlife Rescue of Austin. It’s been so much, almost 2.5 car loads, last week from holiday gifts and…
I keep getting asked about pillows, especially sleeping pillows so here’s your pillow post! Sleeping Pillows According to the City of Austin’s Austin Resource Recovery (ARR) “What Do I Do With?” app/page for “pillow” (ARR does not differentiate type of pillow or its condition): The Austin Common shared the following option available at Lowe’s. I…
Recycling Center 01.05.24
I went to the recycling center this morning for my neighbors to drop off all the things collected on my porch. The car was full and my son could not fit.– Styrofoam especially from new items from the holidays– plastic bags– hard plastics smaller than a hand– scrap metal and small bits– broken lamp, computer light…
Battery Recycling at Libraries
Good Morning! In Austin, Texas our Austin Public Library department has teamed up with our Austin Resource Recovery department to have battery recycling at all library locations and Recycled Reads, as well as other sites in the city. I love that these two departments worked this out together! Let your local government departments know about…
Prescription Medicine Bottles
A topic that came up in the Austin Zero Waste Lifestyle last week, and that I’ve actually gotten a lot of questions on in the past few months is prescription medicine bottles. So let’s discuss! Prescription medicine bottles, or what the City of Austin calls “pill bottle (empty)” are processed differently depending on where you…
Porch Recycling
I had the idea to do a little pilot program on my porch for some of the things I get asked about or that I end up taking for my neighbors. It was largely inspired by one particular neighbor who saves everything to talk with me about and how she can find a greener alternative…