Butternut squash, pumpkin, pulpy stuff scooping is made easier with a sugar spoon or grapefruit spoon. I preferred the sugar spoon and the scalloped edges to help scrape the stringy pulp out of my butternut squash. Yes, I did go pull seeds out of my compost after the video for my son to plant for…
All posts in Food
Upcycled Cereal Box Earrings: Jabebo Studio
Meet my new earrings made from upcycled cereal boxes! These are from Jabebo Studio. I have Wild Turkeys and the 12 Days of Christmas here in the featured photo plus their Red Foxes. The two Christmas earrings are four birds calling on a landline phone with a cord and a partridge in a pear tree!…
Reuse: An Oven Tray as a Trivet
Reuse an oven tray as a trivet. This oven rack is from three toaster ovens ago but it has feet so I kept as an excellent trivet for muffins and cupcakes to cool off. The feet raise the rack up to allow air to circulate under the muffins and cool the bottom down. This post…
Blogging at Brentwood Social House
I’m catching up on blogging with reusable dishes! I’m having a green tea matcha latte and lemon bread at Brentwood Social House blogging this morning. They wash the dishes and I will compost my napkin at home. This is a great local place to get coffee, tea and food. It’s near my son’s school and…
Pizza Party: Pizza Boxes Can Be Composted
Attending a pizza party? Bag up the boxes and compost them! Austin Recycles will pick up lawn and leaf bags of pizza boxes for you with your curbside compost and the bags are a great way to bring them home. They fit in a passenger seat or the trunk very well. I can fit about…
How to Handle Halloween Candy
Here’s your candy/Halloween quick tip sheet: Candy bags go in the trash. This is the big bag that all the little candy comes in. There is usually a No Plastic Bag How2Recycle label on the back. Pretzel bags/Candy wrappers in trash. This box the pretzels came in can be recycled in single-stream recycling/blue carts. Happy…
Shop Local & Mom/Son Date at Terra Toys
Shopping locally keeps more funds in small business hands, reduces shipping costs, and is fun! Plus air-conditioning! My son and I love to visit Terra Toys, the largest toy store in Texas. We have mom and son dates playing chess (we don’t really know how so we make up our own rules), eating a locally…
How I Cut Fresh Pineapple
If you have the option and ability, a fresh pineapple is going to be cheaper and greener to process than a precut one in a plastic container. I have found that using a great bread knife works the best. Here’s what I do. Grab your kitchen compost collector because there will be a lot to…
Plastic Free July- Day 6: Avoid prepackaged produce
Day 6 of Plastic Free July was Avoid Pre-Packaged Produce. This focuses on buying loose or bulk produce instead of plastic-bagged produce. It also encourages you to avoid using plastic produce bags. Personally I would like it if we even avoided using single-use compost bags or paper bags for produce when there are reusable cotton and…
Recycle Kirkland/Costco Frozen Strawberries
Great news! Kirkland/Costco frozen organic strawberries‘ bag is recyclable! The How2Recycle label on the back of the bag says once it’s clean and dry it can go to any store plastic bag recycling station! Many frozen food bags are not recyclable because they are mixes of different plastics and can’t be separated. Look for the…