Earth Month y’all! Woo! I’m behind on posting content because I was running and driving all over the place for zero waste, school and church. Woo!
So one of the coolest things I got to participate in this month was the 2nd Annual Care of Creation Fair at Triumphant Love Lutheran Church (TLLC) on Saturday April 20. Connections are an amazing thing! I ran into Janis at my church, Memorial United Methodist Church, while we were picking up our leader packets for the Austin Crop Hunger Walk. Janis lives in my neighborhood where I post all my Zero Waste Block Leader (ZWBL) content. Janis is a member of TLLC’s Care of Creation Team and put me in touch with Mary, the leader of the Team and event, who is also a ZWBL! How cool is all of that?! God thing.
I was asked to focus on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle so I did end up making a new board for my tabling. I included the following sections:
- Reduce/Refuse
- Reuse
- Repair
- Recycle
I focused on the more common items and the things that end up the landfills that Austin can address since we have such great resources for recycling and reuse, repair and re-homing items. Check out Austin Resource Recovery’s site or app, Austin Recycles, to learn what you can recycle, where is the next Fix-It Clinic and where you can re-home/donate and repair items.
I brought two of my favorite books, also favorites at the Fair, and a lot of reusable alternatives to discuss with people. My first location was right next to the speaker and in the sun. Since I know I can talk nonstop for three hours, we did work it out where I was able to move further away from the speaker.
The books I brought were Plastic-Free by Beth Terry and yes the book literally has no plastic in it, and Make Do and Mend: Keeping Family and Home Afloat on War Rations. I’m big on repair and a lot of the home front rationing, reusing and recycling during WWII are relevant today so I love to go back and get ideas.

My second location was under this beautiful and shady big tree and as you can see I was talking! This particular conversation with these two gentlemen was pretty heated as we were all very passionate about what we were sharing.

Don’t forget to eat! I always bring a zero waste snack or meal, plus water and coffee, to my events. It was a good thing I did here too since it was so windy! Luckily I had a lot of heavy demos and my lunch so everything was held down and didn’t blow away.

Check out all the fun photos of the event! I highly recommend you attend next year and I know I’ll be bringing Memorial UMC’s Creation Care Team (or recommending they carpool as I may be tabling again if I get asked) as well as my husband and son because there were so many fun things for everyone and kids. I even got to take home a plant!
Thanks TLLC!
#careofcreation #creationcare #fair #tabling #earthmonth #zerowasteblockleader #zerowastelunch #outreach #education #somuchtalking #funtimes #austincrophungerwalk