Buy Nothing Friday 2023

It’s Buy Nothing Day! Consider doing non-purchasing activities like going outside, reading, self-care, crafting, or unsubscribing and unfollowing product pages and sites. Tomorrow is Small Business Saturday so find a local small business to support for items you do want to buy new and don’t forget experiences and secondhand items make wonderful gifts and use…

Book: What Can I Do? My Path from Climate Justice to Despair by Jane Fonda

I just finished listening to “What Can I Do? My Path from Climate Justice to Despair” by Jane Fonda. This book was in the Social Action category of the United Women in Faith’s 2023 Reading Program. I remember hearing about the first red coat rally since I am a zero waste/tree hugger/green blogger, but I…

Recycling: 10.11.23

Running recycling and donations around town today. So much to clear out from church and neighbors. Goodwill got a trunk full of old adding machines that were falling apart from a storage shed at church. Goodwill is one of the largest electronics recyclers in Texas. Austin Creative reuse received a bunch of craft supplies from…

Compost: Pie Box

Food soiled paper can be composted. Trash any plastic film and you can put the food-soiled paper in your compost cart or compost system at home. If you can’t poke your finger through it, it’s cellophane and goes in the trash. If at home, take the stickers off as they may not break down properly…

Reuse: Día de los Muertos ACR Community Ofrenda

Join Austin Creative Reuse in celebrating Día de los Muertos by adding your own framed picture of a loved one to the Community Ofrenda! Starting Tuesday, October 10th, you can contribute to a beautiful altar in remembrance of those who have passed on, set up by Community Engagement Manager, Tanya. Decorating frames with reuse materials,…

Lo Salt

I just finished a Lot Salt and you can recycle this IF you take it apart, otherwise trash it if it’s intact. All three parts can be recycled once disassembled. Cardboard in your single stream recycling carts and the plastic and metal in Scrap Metal and Hard Plastics at your recycling center. Remember that if…