More sheets and jeans to Austin Wildlife Rescue from my neighbors/family.
I’m also excited to share AWF started selling their shirts and kids’ workbook along with stickers at their drop-off center on MLK if you would like to support them locally when you make a dropoff of supplies or animal.
One of the opportunities I offer as a City of Austin Zero Waste Block Leader, at my choice, is a tub on my porch for collecting old sheets, pillowcases, and worn out jeans for the animals to use for bedding and swings respectively. It’s a great way to allow people to rehome things quickly and locally when they have a little burst of energy to do a clean out.
This type of collection is great for kids. My son loves to carry a bag in and ring the doorbell. #austintx#wildliferescue#reuse#rehome#repurpose#wildanimals#zerowaste#zerowasteblockleader#kids