Sharing is caring! I don’t purchase items for my videos or posts. It either comes into my spheres naturally or I will ask my neighbors or my Buy Nothing group to get something that I’m getting questions about or dealing with. I have gotten rid of a lot of things over the years and so I don’t always have demonstration items on hand that I used to for demos for people that might be starting out. So I will borrow or find but I never purchase new.
Also send it back. If school or work is one of the sources of single-use items or unwanted items into your life, give it back to them. School can save items to reuse year after year which will save them money and not have to ask for donations. And work will save money if they realize that people don’t want what they’re giving them. Leave things in the break room or on the desk of the person who gave something out like HR. I’m thinking specifically of swag and branded items. It’s a good opportunity to have a conversation with your boss or HR about unnecessary spending and creating clutter. Encourage your company to shift into, “Let’s be more sustainable” and “listen to our employees.” Maybe ask employees what do they want from work, do they want branded items? Does anyone really need another mug or water bottle and the answer is no we do not, and don’t even think about giving out pens or pencils.
#senditback #justsayno #returnit #borrowit #buynothing #neighborshelpingneighbors #cleanout #conversation #alittlemoregreen #savemoney #lesslandfill #listen #zerowaste #sustainable