Good Morning! In Austin, Texas our Austin Public Library department has teamed up with our Austin Resource Recovery department to have battery recycling at all library locations and Recycled Reads, as well as other sites in the city. I love that these two departments worked this out together! Let your local government departments know about this idea if they aren’t doing this where you live!
ALL BATTERIES can be recycled at ANY LIBRARY LOCATION in Austin. Look for the 5 gallon black or gray buckets or ask the circulation desk. Yarborough Branch has theirs hidden under the stairs so you many not always be able to quickly find the spot.
The featured image is at Windsor Park branch just inside the entrance.
This is THE MOST FREQUENT QUESTION I get. Please share this information with everyone you know. So many people have bags and buckets of batteries laying around. They get corroded and unsafe. Please dispose of them as soon as possible while you are out and about, there are 22 library locations and more partner sites in Austin.
Please remember that batteries, or battery-powered candles, toys, etc. should not go in curbside trash carts as they can be crushed and catch fire in the trucks causing a “hot load.”

Windsor Park Branch also have a Free/Gratis section which is perfect to drop off those extra calendars, greeting cards, stickers and bookmarks we get from the groups we support.

Have happy green holidays!
#batteries #batteryrecycling #recyclebatteries #atxrecycled #libraries #austinpubliclibrary @austinpubliclibrary #free #gratis #workingtogether #5gallonbuckets