Outfit of the Day: Forest Fairy

So there is a social media trend where you share your outfit of the day (OOTD). I don’t really do that, though I did as part of the requirement for the Wool& 100 Days Dress Challenge. I’m trying to share more of my thinking with you all in hope that it inspires you and helps you retrain your thinking towards being a little more green.

I feel like a forest fairy in this outfit and it was a big hit at church. I’m so grateful for this cotton top from @marigoldaustin and love this modal skirt from Amazon, it has pockets so it’s perfect for running around Sunday mornings!

Modal is a man-made cellulosic fibre that has found fame in the age of activewear. Breathable and absorbent, this cotton alternative is used to manufacture underwear, pyjamas, bathrobes, bed sheets, and more.

The manufacturing process involves spinning reconstituted cellulose mainly from beech trees


I don’t get into a lot of the science of things so this isn’t going to be comprehensive on fabric processing or textile systems. In my head, a natural fiber will last longer but break down when needed/allowed vs. a synthetic fiber (like polyester) that is going to pill, release microplastics and most likely not get recycled or repaired and therefore trashed. Yes, traditional cotton can use a lot of chemicals in processing it, but again see above. Cotton can be recycled, reused and repaired easier than synthetic fibers and it will eventually decompose if allowed to. Since modal is similar to cotton it seems like a good choice to me. It also holds up very well for me in the pieces I own.

The original social media post versions on this topic were posted June 30, 2024.

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